Get in touch, we
are here for you

Let us be your guide
to the future of energy

Jsme vaším průvodce ve světě energií, myslíme na naši společnou budoucnost.
Contact us
Are you seeking a reliable supplier for your home or company? Then you’re in the right place! Are you an existing customer who needs advice? We’re here for you. Communicate with us in English.


We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Potřebujete s námi vyřídit novou smlouvu? Pojďme se na to spolu podívat.


Get in touch, we are happy to help.

Už nemusíte chodit na pobočku nebo volat, registrujte se do portálu Energie24.
Network operators’ contact lines for outages

Dealing with an electricity or gas failure?

If so, contact your network operator.

Select type of energy

Electricity distribution Gas distribution
We want to be the Czech Republic’s
greenest supplier

For a greener Czech Republic and a greener world

At E.ON, we live for tomorrow – not just for today. That’s because every day, we influence the condition in which we will leave our green planet to future generations. And we want to spread this stance to others. We’re leading by example and showing that major companies can be environmentally responsible too.